ACQAHE • Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education

ACQAHE - Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education

ACQAHE is an ENQA Affiliate.

The Agency for Control and Quality Assurance of Higher Education (ACQAHE) was established in
November 2017 by the Government of Montenegro and according to a new Law on Higher Education
(June 2017), representing the leading state body for quality assurance in higher education. ACQAHE
is in charge of managing the process of evaluation and certification of higher education institutions
and study programmes in line with the European Standards and Guidelines, proposing measures for
the improvement of quality assurance and creating and ranking HE institutions. The Agency has been fully
functional since September 2018.

ACQAHE’s vision is: credibility, international recognition and competitiveness of the Montenegrin higher
education system achieved through its full integration into the European Higher Education Area,
which will contribute to progress of Montenegrin economy and society and to the improvement of
the quality of life of Montenegrin citizens.

Contact information
ENQA history
Affiliation granted June 2019.
Affiliation renewed on 3 June 2024

Mihaila Lalica n.1
81000 Podgorica

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